Weekend Jobs: Make them count! This is work that is over and above what you've done all week. Here are 5 easy and fun ways to earn that extra money you are willing to sacrifice your weekend for. (And a sixth way thrown in for good measure)
Thomas Edison:
"Everything comes to him who hustles while he waits."You all know the drill about getting work on weekends. You apply everywhere, result up in a few days and result up again until person calls you up for an interview. After a short, nerve racking interview, you find that you've got yourself a minimum wage job that will choke up your weekends till who knows when. There, you know how to do it.
If, on the other hand, you want to do something that's fun and pays well, you might go for any of the following (These are not just geared for high school students. Adults could use weekend jobs to do what they love too):

1. Weekend Jobs - Life Guard: Most weekend jobs pay very poorly. Life guarding ordinarily pays at the rate of a quarterly civil worker of the city or town you are in which is significantly above minimum wage. If you can't swim, you can learn. Fantasize the great shape you'll be in! The practice will be great, you get to use the facilities for free and you can spend the hours doing worthwhile, satisfying work. If you've always dreamed of becoming a lifeguard, make a decision to make it your secondary source of wage if you work. If you are a student, the money is great and what an addition this reference makes to your resume later.
2. Weekend Jobs - Food Vendor: I'm not talking about the person behind the counter at the local burger and fries place. Fantasize what it would be like to be selling peanuts, pop and candy at a professional sports event? You get to spend time watching (when you can sneak a peak) your favorite team in activity and, in some instances, you get paid a commission on your sales to encourage you to peek less and yell more. If you are an adult and this wage is over and above the week's work, it might not seem much like work if you love the sport being played.
3. Weekend Jobs - Commission work in a clothing store or sports shop: Here's one that allows you to kill three birds with one stone. You get to earn commissions on what you sell and this can be fun if you don't take the process too seriously. Most of these shop allow you a big discount on their products and you get to chat with your customers about a tasteless interest if you've chosen a store that caters to what you like whether it's enterprise suits, ladies shoes or hockey equipment.
William Faulkner once said:
"It's a shame that the only thing a man can do for eight hours a day is work. He can't eat for eight hours; he can't drink for eight hours; he can't make love for eight hours. The only thing a man can do for eight hours is work.
4. Weekend Jobs - Pet exerciser: Many people work long hours while the week and don't have time to practice their pets. On the weekends, they are ordinarily too busy shopping or doing housework to look after the little critters. If you love animals, you can advertise and start exercising people's pets. Spreading the word nearby local pet stores, hair salons and sports arena should get you enough work to make up what you need or want to make. people ar willing to pay handsomely to make sure Rover gets exercised by person who loves animals. Again, age is not an issue here.
5. Weekend Jobs - Stage hand for a band or theatre group: Many such places pay a flat fee per engagement whether it's a few hours or the whole weekend. This might not appeal to a 40 year old trainer who hates rock music, but not all music is rock. Some symphonies use part time help on weekends when their regulars are off. Theatre groups sometimes hire helpers on the same pay schedule. If you are a kid and you carry on to be a road helper for a rock band, well, more power to you!
Weekend jobs are valuable for many people in this day and age. Shoot to get one that pays well and that can add joy to your weekend instead of more dreariness.
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